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what is ganoderma spore powder

Ganoderma lucidum spores are oval germ cells ejected from Ganoderma lucidum gills during the growth and maturity of Ganoderma lucidum. In layman’s terms, Ganoderma lucidum spores are the seeds of Ganoderma lucidum. Ganoderma lucidum spores are extremely tiny, each spore is only 4-6 microns, such as wild ones will drift with the wind, so it can only be collected in the artificial cultivation environment. Ganoderma lucidum spores are surrounded by two layers of spore walls (polysaccharide walls) composed of chitin and glucan. They are tough in texture, resistant to acid and alkali, and are extremely difficult to oxidize and decompose. It is difficult for the human body to effectively and fully absorb them. In order to make full use of the effective substances in the spores of Ganoderma lucidum, the spores must be broken so that it is suitable for the human stomach to directly absorb the effective substances.

Ganoderma lucidum spore powder main components and effects

1.Ganoderma lucidum spore powder has the effect of protecting the liver and benefiting the liver. Studies have found that Ganoderma lucidum and other ingredients can improve liver detoxification and regeneration functions, promote metabolism, improve liver function, and have obvious improvement effects on liver cirrhosis, fatty liver and other symptoms;

2.Ganoderma lucidum spore powder also has the effect of lowering blood sugar. It can regulate the secretion of endocrine and stimulate the secretion of insulin, thereby inhibiting the release of fatty acids, reducing blood sugar and improving the symptoms of diabetes;

3.Ganoderma lucidum spore powder contains ingredients such as Ganoderma lucidum acid and phospholipid base, which can inhibit the release of histamine and relieve bronchitis. It has the effects of moistening the lungs, relieving cough and reducing phlegm, and has a good effect on patients with chronic bronchitis and chronic pneumonia;

4.Ganoderma lucidum spore powder contains polysaccharides and polypeptides, which can promote the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, remove free radicals generated in the body, improve human immunity, enhance appetite, and also promote digestion, improve insomnia, improve neurasthenia, and resist allergies. Thereby delaying the aging of the body;

5.Ganoderma lucidum spore powder contains polysaccharides and polypeptides, which can promote the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, remove free radicals generated in the body, improve human immunity, enhance appetite, and also promote digestion, improve insomnia, improve neurasthenia, and resist allergies. Thereby delaying the aging of the body;

6.Studies have found that Ganoderma lucidum spore powder also has the effect of protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, and has certain effects on lowering lipids, lowering blood sugar, and improving blood circulation.

Difference between ganoderma lucidum spore powder and ganoderma lucidum powder

1.Ganoderma lucidum powder is powder made from Ganoderma lucidum. Ganoderma lucidum is a very precious medicinal material with very high medicinal value. Ganoderma lucidum can be ground into powder and taken to enhance the immune function of the human body. It can also prevent and treat hyperglycemia, hypertension, and anti-cancer and anti-cancer. Various effects, it can be said that the benefits of Ganoderma lucidum powder are very many. When choosing Ganoderma lucidum powder, “Red Ganoderma lucidum” should be given priority, because “Red Ganoderma lucidum” has the best medicinal effect and the highest nutritional value.

2.Ganoderma lucidum spore powder is the seed of Ganoderma lucidum, the extremely tiny oval germ cells ejected from the gill gills of Ganoderma lucidum during the growth and maturity stage. Each Ganoderma lucidum spore is only 4-6 microns. It is a living organism with a double-walled structure and is surrounded by hard chitin cellulose, which is difficult for the human body to fully absorb. After the wall is broken, it is more suitable for direct absorption by the human stomach and intestines. It condenses the essence of Ganoderma lucidum, and has all the genetic material and health care effects of Ganoderma lucidum.

How to take ganoderma lucidum spore powder

Ganoderma lucidum spore powder can be taken on an empty stomach with warm water or directly dry, twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, according to the following dosage.

General dosage for health care people: 3-4 grams;

Dosage for mildly ill patients: 6-9 grams;

Dosage for severely ill patients: 9-12 grams.

Note: If you want to take other western medicines at the same time, the interval between the two is about half an hour.

Who is not suitable for Ganoderma lucidum spore powder?

1. Children. At present, there is no clinical trial of Ganoderma lucidum spore powder for children in mainland my country. For the sake of safety, it is not recommended for children to take it.

2. People with allergies. People who are allergic to Ganoderma must not take Ganoderma spore powder.

3. Preoperative and postoperative population. Because Ganoderma lucidum spore powder itself has the effect of inhibiting platelet aggregation and diluting blood viscosity, Ganoderma lucidum products cannot be used before and two weeks after surgery, otherwise blood coagulation may be slow. After a period of surgery, taking Ganoderma lucidum spore powder can promote the recovery of the body.

In addition, pregnant women should take it correctly under the guidance of a professional doctor or pharmacist to ensure the safety of the drug.


Post time: Jun-16-2022